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Up-to-date manual

Unfortunately there are no up-to-date manuals for versions 1.6.0 and 1.7.0.
In the meantime please check arXiv:1605.03190 for the features of SusHi 1.6.0
and arXiv:1611.09308 for the SusHiMi extension, which is part of SusHi 1.7.0.

Please find in the following an updated version of the original manual arXiv:1212.3249:
Manual for Version 1.5.0
Manual for Version 1.4.1
Manual for Version 1.4.0
Manual for Version 1.3.0
Manual for Version 1.2.0
Manual for Version 1.1.1
Manual for Version 1.1.0
Manual for Version 1.0.6

Remarks regarding the 2-Higgs-Doublet-Model (2HDM)

Our implementation of the 2-Higgs-Doublet-Model (2HDM) follows the review:

Theory and phenomenology of two-Higgs-doublet models
G. C. Branco, P. M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura, M. N. Rebelo, Marc Sher, Joao P. Silva

The three neutral Higgs bosons h, H (CP-even) and A (CP-odd) are characterized
by their masses (independent input parameters), the ratio of the vacuum
expectation values tan(β) and the CP-even Higgs mixing angle α.

The four 2HDM types differ by the Higgs coupling to the SM fermions f.
The relative strengths g_f^{h,H,A} of the Higgs-quark couplings
with respect to the SM strengths are given by:
(The leptonic couplings are not relevant within SusHi).
Due to consistency with 2HDMC we interchanged types 3 and 4 in SusHi 1.4.1!
If you use older versions of SusHi and link to 2HDMC, please ignore types 3 and 4.

Relative strength 1 = Type I 2 = Type II 3 = Flipped 4 = Lepton-specific
g_u^h cos(α)/sin(β) cos(α)/sin(β) cos(α)/sin(β) cos(α)/sin(β)
g_d^h cos(α)/sin(β) -sin(α)/cos(β) -sin(α)/cos(β) cos(α)/sin(β)
g_u^H sin(α)/sin(β) sin(α)/sin(β) sin(α)/sin(β) sin(α)/sin(β)
g_d^H sin(α)/sin(β) cos(α)/cos(β) cos(α)/cos(β) sin(α)/sin(β)
g_u^A 1/tan(β) 1/tan(β) 1/tan(β) 1/tan(β)
g_d^A -1/tan(β) tan(β) tan(β) -1/tan(β)

Please find an example input and output file in the folder "/example"
within the SusHi main directory.
Similar to the MSSM we recommend the usage of the electroweak contributions by
light quarks for gluon fusion cross sections.

There are two conventions for what concerns the choice of β-α in a 2HDM:
  • Convention in SusHi(+2HDMC) (scheme A):
    -π/2 ≤ β-α ≤ π/2 and thus
    0 ≤ cos(β-α) ≤ 1 and -1 ≤ sin(β-α) ≤ 1.
  • Alternative convention (scheme B) (often employed by experiments):
    0 ≤ β-α ≤ π and thus
    -1 ≤ cos(β-α) ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ sin(β-α) ≤ 1.
If you want to plot in scheme B, but need to
call a code using scheme A, you need to apply:

If 0 ≤ (β-α)_B ≤ π/2, then (β-α)_A = (β-α)_B.
If π/2 ≤ (β-α)_B ≤ π, then (β-α)_A = (β-α)_B - π (→ sign change in sin and cos).